The Healing Power Of Letter Writing

The Healing Power Of Letter Writing

To bring letter-writing back in fashion, it is important that school going students and young adults are introduced to this lost art of communication

Ever heard of the story where Frankz Kafka encountered a little girl in the park where he went walking daily. She was crying. She had lost her doll and was desolate. 

Kafka offered to help her look for the doll and arranged to meet her the next day at the same spot. Unable to find the doll he composed a letter from the doll and read it to the girl when they met. “Please do not mourn me, I have gone on a trip to see the world. I will write to you about my adventures.”  

This was the beginning of many letters. When he and the little girl met, he read from these carefully composed letters the imagined adventures of the beloved doll. The story tells us how letter writing can be a creative outlet to express our emotions including not only gratitude but also anger, guilt and grief. 

Why is letter writing important? 

Writing letters is something that raises eyebrows in a digital world. But a few decades back, post offices were buzzing with footfalls carrying letters of love and appreciation. Youngsters these days must be unaware that writing letters and postcards was the prominent way of communication back then. With increasing use of instant messaging apps, artificial intelligence and grammar help apps, the essence of writing by hand has gradually disappeared. With this loss, the associated benefits that are accompanied by writing with hand have also been lost.  

Therefore, it is significant to reintroduce this lost art of writing letters to a digital generation. The experience of putting pen to paper works as a creative outlet for letting out our emotions. In a fast-paced digitalised world, where technology dictates the crucial aspects of our lives, it is easy to feel isolated. Letter writing comes handy at such times because letters do not judge the writers, nor do they dictate what to write. Letters bring freedom for the writer.  

If you are juggling with maintaining relationships with your friends, family or even at the workplace, letters could be your go-to solution. Because letters not only allow the writers to put their hearts to paper but makes the recipient feel special in a way that no material gifts could do. 

Sustainability is the way to go 

Paper provides a physical presence that digital media lack. The tactile experience of holding a paper document or letter can create a sense of connection and authenticity. It allows for a more personal and intimate experience when writing, reading, or sharing information.  

However, in the 21st century, it is important to make sustainable choices even when we do artistic and creative activity. Hence, to make letter writing a sustainable activity, we must use paper that is manufactured through social farm forestry and not through deforestation.  

Reviving the art of letter-writing 

To bring letter-writing back in fashion, it is important that school going students and young adults are introduced to this lost art of communication. Once the students associate letter-writing with a positive experience when they see the heartwarming response of the recipient of the letter, it becomes a lifetime habit. Additionally, exchanging letters with your pen pals could be an exciting opportunity for youngsters. Having pen pals allows students to broaden their exposure to different cultures from across the country and globe. 

Conducting letter writing events in schools, colleges where students write letters of love to their family members could be another way to promote handwritten communication. 

Typing on a smartphone or computer, where words can easily be erased or rephrased, writing on paper is permanent. This encourages the students to think and pre-plan before actually writing the words and putting their thoughts on paper which eventually inspires their creativity and sharpens cognitive skills and emotional quotient.  

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article above are those of the authors’ and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of this publishing house

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